

据 BBC 报道,出国看病的美国人每年都在增加,2000 年,有 29.5 万美国人出国看病,而到了 2017 年,人数涨到了 42.2 万,医疗旅游(medical tourism)就这么火起来了。


” 出国做这么大的手术,我本来也是很担心的 ” ( Via BBC )


She praises all the staff that treated her.


“I had a meltdown one day [ at the hospital ] because of the pain, and the feeling of helplessness,” she says. “But the nurses and techs were so sweet and helped to calm me.”

” 有一天, ( 在医院里 ) 我因为疼痛和无助感而感到沮丧,” 她说。 ” 但护士和技术人员非常好心,帮助我平静下来。”



She says that her knee operation in Clinica Biblica, Costa Rica’s largest private hospital, cost $12,200 ( �9,200 ) , compared with around $44,000 in the US.

Melissa 说 , 她在哥斯达黎加最大的私立医院 Clinica Biblicaz 做了膝盖手术,费用为12200 美元(约 81991 人民币),而如果在美国做的话,花费约为44000 美元(约 295706 人民币)

这么看来,价格上的差距可以说是很大了。所以,像 Melissa 这样选择出国看病,背后的原因也是很无奈:

While many Americans do so because theydon’t have health insurance– official figures show that more than 28 million do not – others like Melissa go overseas because their basic cover means that they have to pay a sizeable chunk of any treatment bill.

许多美国人选择出国看病是因为他们没有医疗保险。官方数据显示,美国有超过 2800 万人没有医疗保险,而其他像 Melissa 这样的人,就算有保险,看任何病都必须自己支付相当大一部分治疗费用。

图 Via Getty Images

而据The Guardian2018 年的一份报道,美国的医疗可以说是世界上最贵的

高物价让美国医疗成为世界最贵 ( Via The Guardian )

The United States spends twice as much on healthcare as 10 other high-income nations, driven by the high price of everything from prescription drugs to doctors ’ salaries, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds.

《美国医学协会杂志》的一项新研究发现,美国在医疗保健方面的花费是其他 10 个高收入国家的两倍,造成这一现象的原因包括昂贵的处方药以及医生工资等。

Via The Guardian


人们正在放弃美国医疗,飞去其他国家寻求付得起的医疗服务 ( Via thisisinsider.com )

The American healthcare system is known for being notoriously expensive. It doesn’t help that, according to data collected in 2017 by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index,11.3% of Americans are not able to afford health insurance.

众所周知,美国医疗价格非常昂贵。更无奈的是,根据盖洛普健康幸福指数 2017 年收集的数据,11.3%的美国人买不起医疗保险

Even those who do have health insurance often find themselvesstruggling to pay sky-high medical fees. For example, a Reddit user went viral in 2013 when he posted a photo of the hospital bill he received when he was treated for appendicitis. The total charges came to over $55,000, and even with health insurance, he had to pay over $11,000 out of pocket.

即使是有医疗保险的人也经常发现自己付不起高昂的医疗费用。比如,2013 年,一名 Reddit 用户在网上发布了自己接受阑尾炎治疗时收到的医院账单照片,迅速火遍网络。账单总费用超过 55000 美元,就算是有医疗保险,他也不得不自己支付 11000 多美元的费用。

Via thisisinsider.com

去年 6 月,美国加利福尼亚一个博主Alyne Tamir还在网上发布了一条视频,讲述自己去国外看病的经历:

图 Via Dear Alyne/Facebook

In the video, Tamir explained it would have cost $1,500 to fix her tooth in the US. Instead, she had her root canal done in Egypt.

视频中,Tamir 解释说,在美国看牙会花费 1500 美元。于是,她就去埃及做了根管治疗。

“A nice hotel in Egypt costs around $70 a night,” she told INSIDER. “And the actual root canal was only $120. This was at a fancy dentist too; you can definitely get it for way cheaper somewhere else in Egypt.”

在埃及,住一家不错的酒店每晚花费约 70 美元,” 她告诉 INSIDER。 ” 做根管只需要 120 美元,而且还是一个比较贵的牙医。在埃及,你也完全可以找到其他更便宜的价格。”



In the US, for example, the average cost of LASIK eye surgery is $2,088 per eye. Ragusa, however, told INSIDER that she received LASIK in South Korea and paid a total of $1,400 — including all of the check-ups before and after the surgery, the surgery itself on both eyes, the medicine, and all future care for life.

例如,在美国,视力激光手术的平均成本为每只眼睛 2088 美元。然而,Ragusa 告诉 INSIDER,她在韩国做的激光手术只花了 1400 美元,其中包括手术前后的所有检查,双眼手术,药物以及终生护理费用。


各国平均生育费用 ( 红色为顺产费用,橘色为剖腹产费用 )

在美国生孩子比在其他国家花费更高 ( 图 Via the Guardian )

实际上,不止美国人,其他国家的人也在选择出国看病,比如说英国人。虽然英国人有National Health Service(英国国家健康体系)这样的公费医疗体系保障,但是排队的时间也不算短,而且据报道,NHS 系统下,也存在牙科医生数量不足这类问题,整容这类的手术不在免费医疗范围内。

Medigo, a German-based medical travel company says that queries from UK residentsjumped 53%last year. Official figures from the UK’s Office of National Statistics also show that a rising number of people are going abroad for treatment.

一家德国的医疗旅游公司 Medigo 表示,来自英国居民的咨询量去年暴涨 53%。英国国家统计局的官方数据也显示,越来越多的人出国接受治疗。

一位叫Amanda Wells的英国人就去波兰做了一场手术:

The 46-year-old travelled to Poland last year to have a painful bunion removed from her left foot, because she didn’t want towait the nine monthsthat her GP estimated it would take her to get the operation on the NHS.

46 岁的 Amanda Wells 去年去波兰做了手术,治疗左脚的拇趾囊肿,因为她的医生估计她需要等九个月才能上公费医疗的手术台,她不想再等了。

She says she was able to get the work done in Poland for �3,000, half the amount she was quoted by a private surgeon in the UK.

她说她在波兰做手术的花了 3000 英镑,但是在英国,这只是一位私人外科医生手术费用的一半。

Amanda Wells ( 图 Via BBC )


Patients Beyond Borders, a publisher of guidebooks for “medical tourists” estimates that more than 20 million people will travel to another country for medical treatment this year,up 25% from 16 million last year.

据一家做 ” 医疗游客 ” 指南的出版商 Patients Beyond Borders 估计,今年,有 2000 万人会去其他国家看病,相比去年的 160 万上涨 25%

Meanwhile, a 2017 report by payments giant Visa estimated that the medical tourism industry was worth more than $100bn a year, and continuing to grow in value by quarter every year.

同时,支付巨头 Visa2017 年的一份调查估计,每年,医疗旅游产业产值超过 1000 亿美元,



文:BBC, The Guardian, thisisinsider.com


图:BBC, The Guardian, thisisinsider.com, Getty Images, VCG, 网络