这个穿绿色 POLO 衫的美国男子,火了





Via NBC News


When a protester wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and a pink “Best” tank top at the Tuesday meeting started yelling “respect our laws” while holding up a sign saying “Respect our laws or we will deport you,” a man wearing a green polo shirt in the row in front of her started laughing uncontrollably.

一名戴着“让美国再次伟大”的帽子,穿着粉红色的“ Best ”背心的抗议者突然打断了会议,开始大喊“尊重我们的法律”,同时举起一个标语“尊重我们的法律,不然我们会驱逐你”。看到这一幕,坐在在她对面,穿绿色 polo 衫的男子开始无法控制地大笑。

He continued laughing hysterically as the woman and another protester were escorted out of the meeting — and his amusement quickly went viral.


Via NBC News


Via Twitter

The couple denounced the council’s earlier decision to schedule a vote on making Tucson a ‘sanctuary city’ in November. If approved, the measure would restrict the ability of local authorities to cooperate with federal law enforcement in implementing immigration laws.

这两位特朗普支持者突然乱入,谴责一项原计划在 11 月份举行投票。这项投票的目的是把图森市变成一个无证移民的“庇护城市”。如果投票通过,就会削弱当地市政府执行联邦移民法的力度。

“ This city does not change or defy immigration laws. That is Congress’s job, to change immigration laws, ” said the woman, while carrying a sign that read “Respect our laws or we will deport you! No sanctuary for criminals. ”


Via RT

坐在前排目击这一幕的绿衣男子就一直以各种姿势大笑,整整半分钟之久 ……

事后,这个绿衣男子的真实身份也被网友挖了出来。他是一个活动家和喜剧演员,真名叫 Alex Kack。关于自己为什么会歇斯底里地大笑,Kack 这么说:

Kack told the website Mashable he was laughing at “just how absurd it really all was.”

Kack 告诉 Mashable 网站“这真是荒谬。”

“Who has the time in their day to come into a public space just to spread hatred and negativity? Like honestly what happened that made them so ridiculous and hateful?” Kack said.

“谁会吃饱了没事,在公众场合传播仇恨和消极情绪?发生了什么让他们如此荒谬和仇恨?” Kack 说。

Via NBC News

他魔性的大笑疯传网络后,被转发 2 万多次。



The #GreenShirtGuy has a form of chaotic energy which I absolutely love and I don’t know why



#GreenShirtGuy for President. He’s the hero and leader we all need.



#GreenShirtGuy I’m buying this guy’s shirt.#GoGreen

我要买同款绿 T 恤。

Cassidy : ) @Cass_Samantha_

I know what superhero I’m being for Halloween #GreenShirtGuy.

我知道万圣节要穿什么做一名超级英雄了,同款绿色 T。

Via Twitter

图文:RT,NBC News,Twitter