

前一秒还在好好地干着活,后一秒就成这样了 ……

( Via CNN )

这个名叫 Sanjay Bahe 的 21 岁印度小哥,估计这辈子都忘不了这个可怕的经历。

当地时间 4 月 10 日,身为建筑工人的 Bahe 正照例在一处建筑工地干着修理的活,突然,他掉进了一口井里,更不巧的是,一根长长的铁棍刺穿了他的头颅和大脑。

( Via New York Post )


( Via CNN )

( Via CNN )

医院的检查显示,这根铁棍从 Bahe 的右侧太阳穴区域刺入他的头颅,又从左额叶处穿出。

“He was hypertensive. He was in shock when he was brought in. The surgery took 90 minutes,” said Pramod Giri, neurosurgeon at the Neuron Brain Spine and Critical Care Centre at Nagpur in Maharashtra state.

” 他当时血压很高。他被送来的时候处在休克之中。手术用了 90 分钟,” 马哈拉施特拉邦那格浦尔的神经元脑脊和重症监护中心的神经外科医生 Pramod Giri 说道。

The rod had entered his right temporal region and exited through the left frontal lobe, missing a major blood channel by millimeters. “Fortunately, the rod did not pierce any major blood vessels in the brain,” Giri said.

这根铁棍从他右侧太阳穴进入,从左侧额叶处穿出,就差主要血液通道几毫米。” 幸运的是,这跟铁棍没有刺穿大脑内任何主要血管,”Giri 说道。

▲ Indian construction worker impaled through the head by an iron rod. He survived. ( via CNN )

( Via CNN )


A team of neurosurgeons, led by Dr. Pramod Giri, rushed to perform a grueling 90-minute surgery to remove the rod, as Bahe went into a crucial state of hypotension.

以 Pramod Giri 为首的神经外科医生赶紧实施了手术,手术持续了紧张的 90 分钟,终于取出了铁棍,而 Bahe 进入了低血压状态。

▲ Construction worker survives iron rod through the head ( via New York Post )


“Giving anesthesia to the patient in such cases is difficult. We did right by positioning the intubation to maintain vital channels in the brain during the operation. I performed the surgery with all caution so that damage to the surrounding structures shouldn ’ t happen,” Giri said.

” 对于这种病例,给患者实施麻醉是非常困难的。我们定位插管来维持大脑中的重要通道的做法是正确的。我做手术的时候非常仔细,因此,应该不会破坏到周围的结构,”Giri 说。

▲ Construction worker survives iron rod through the head ( via New York Post )


“Patient is doing fine post-operatively and we are taking care to prevent meningitis,” Giri wrote in a report headlined “Miraculous Escape.”

” 患者术后恢复得不错,我们全力照护他避免发生脑膜炎,”Giri 在一篇题为《奇迹般的逃脱》的报告中写道。

▲ Indian construction worker impaled through the head by an iron rod. He survived. ( via CNN )

( Via CNN )



