


图 via Reuters

苹果公司曾在发布会上称,这张信用卡是 ” 这50 年来信用卡消费体验最重大的变化“。

The company first announced the Apple Card in March, promising “the most significant change in the credit card experience in 50 years.” The card, which officially became available to all US customers on Tuesday, is issued through Goldman Sach ( GS ) and runs on Mastercard’s network. It is only available to iPhone users and built into the Apple Wallet app.

苹果公司于今年 3 月首次推出 Apple Card,承诺 ” 这将是 50 年来信用卡消费体验中最重大的变化 “。这张信用卡于本周二正式面向所有美国客户发行,它通过高盛集团发行,并在万事达的网络上运行。只有 iPhone 用户可以使用它,并内置在苹果钱包应用程序中。

Physically, the credit card has the classic Apple look. It’s white, made of titanium and generally has a minimalist design. On the card, you’ll see an Apple logo, but no credit card numbers.


▲ Apple warns not to keep its credit card by leather. Or denim. Or loose change. ( via CNN )



根据使用说明,把苹果信用卡放在皮质钱夹或牛仔裤口袋,可能导致 “永久变色(permanent discoloration)”。而把苹果信用卡与其他信用卡放在一起,更是会导致其 “刮花损坏(scratch and damage)”,引发网友一阵嘲笑吐槽。

Months after it was first announced, Apple this week officially launched the new project, offering both a digital version integrated with its Wallet app, as well as a physical card that can be swiped.


Though the card is constructed from titanium, Apple has posted a notice for users online listing the many ways the card might be damaged. Fabrics, hard surfaces, other cards, magnets, improper cleaning: there ’ s apparently not much that won ’ t destroy Apple ’ s new credit card.


The company suggests storing the card in “a wallet, pocket, or bag made of soft materials,” but rules out fabrics like denim and leather, as they “might cause permanent discoloration that will not wash off” – in other words, denim jeans and leather wallets are off the table.

苹果公司建议将信用卡放在 ” 钱包、口袋或软质材料制成的包里 “,但将牛仔布和皮革面料排除在外,因为它们 ” 可能会导致永久性变色,无法洗掉 ” ——换句话说,牛仔裤和皮夹是绝对不能用来存放苹果信用卡的。

▲ Bad credit: Apple warns its new titanium credit card could be damaged by … pretty much anything ( via RT )


May your credit card never touch your jeans.


▲ via Twitter


▲ via Twitter

Apple: would you like a $250 AppleCare plan for your credit card to protect it from denim and leather damage?

苹果:您想为您的信用卡购买 250 美元的 AppleCare 保修计划,来保护它免受牛仔裤和皮夹的损坏吗 ?


每个人 : (表情如图)

▲ via Twitter

Introducing Apple Card Case: Only $399

推出苹果信用卡包:只需 399 美元

▲ via Twitter

不过,估计中国的苹果用户想要体验下苹果信用卡带来的,这 50 年来变化最大的信用卡消费体验,还不太可能,不过可以庆幸的是,能省下不少钱。

文:Du Qiongfang

资料:CNN, RT, Twitter,, C

图 / 题图:Reuters, Twitter