

很多人应该还记得去年夏天的一则新闻,美国华盛顿州一名 18 岁的少女在户外游玩时把朋友从高桥上推下水,导致这位 16 岁的好友全身多处受伤骨折。



随后外媒报道,推人者被控鲁莽危害罪 ( reckless endangerment ) ,或将面临最高 1 年的监禁及 5000 美元的罚金。

图 via The Sun


图 via 微博

然而前两天的判决结果出来却让网友目瞪口呆 ——推人者被判入狱 2 天。

推人者泰勒 · 史密斯 图 via AP/nypost

A teenager who pleaded guilty to pushing her younger friend off a 60-foot bridge in Washington was sentenced to two days in jail.

一少女承认将她朋友从华盛顿一座 60 英尺 ( 约 18 米 ) 高的桥上推下水,被判处两天监禁。

Taylor Smith, 19, was also ordered to spend 38 days on a work crew after pleading guilty earlier this month to reckless endangerment for shoving Jordan Holgerson, 17, off a bridge in Moulton Falls Regional Park on Aug. 7. Smith must also pay a fine of $300 and have no contact with Holgerson for two years.

去年 8 月 7 日 ( 现年 ) 19 岁的泰勒 · 史密斯在莫尔顿瀑布地区公园一座桥上把 ( 现年 ) 17 岁的乔丹 · 霍格森推下水。本月早些时候,史密斯被判鲁莽危害罪,同时也被勒令做 38 天的社会服务。同时她还需交 300 美元罚款,且两年之内不得再与乔丹有任何联系。

▲ Washington teenager who pushed friend off 60-foot bridge sentenced to 2 days in jail ( via nbcnews )


法官判处两天监禁真是出乎意料的转折。事实上,检察官甚至没有要求入狱 —— 他们要求史密斯在家中监禁两个月。

看到仅仅入狱两天的判决,网友纷纷不平起来 :


啥???2 天?要是个不同种族的人不知道结果怎样??2 天简直是开玩笑呢!


2 天?太荒谬了!应该蹲久一些!


图 via AP/nypost


“ This nightmare started for me when I was falling through the air — and I was really terrified, ” Holgerson wrote. “ When I was being pulled from the water, I thought: ‘I’m going to die.’ I couldn’t breathe and I was watching my body change color by the second. ”

“对我来说,掉下去的那一刻,这场噩梦就开始了 – 我真的很害怕。”霍格森 ( 在陈述书中 ) 写道,“当我从水中被救出来的时候,我以为:‘ 我要死了。’ 我无法呼吸,看到我的身体瞬间变色了。”

“ I couldn’t shower by myself, couldn’t use the bathroom by myself — I could barely even walk, ” she said in her notes. “ Once I left the hospital, I was left with pain…To this day my ribs have healed, but I still get pain and discomfort in that area. I also can’t play my desired position for softball because my arm…I always wanted to play college softball but now I may not get that chance. ”

“我不能独自洗澡,不能独自上厕所 —— 甚至连路都走不了,”她在陈述书中说。“虽然我出院了,但疼痛依然伴随着我 … 直到今天我的肋骨已经愈合,但我仍觉得那儿有些不舒服。由于手臂受伤,我也不能打垒球了 … 我一直想上大学后打垒球,但现在可能没有那个机会了。”

Holgerson wrote that “ even though it happened last summer ” she still can’t sleep at night “ because of PTSD and insomnia. ”


“ I have these anxiety attacks that are so bad that my body feels like it’s shutting down and I feel like I’m going to die, ” the teen said. “ This has taken over my life and limited the things I can do without having an attack. ”


▲ Teen who pushed friend off 60-foot bridge gets two days in jail ( via nypost )


图 via dailymail

图 via dailymail



During an interview with “Good Morning America” last August, Smith claimed Holgerson had asked her to give a push while on the bridge. “I didn’t think about the consequences,” Smith said. “I thought she’d be fine.”

去年 8 月,史密斯在接受“早安美国”采访时声称,在桥上时是霍格森让她推一把的。“我没有想到后果,”史密斯说。“我以为她会没事的。”

▲ Washington woman sentenced to 2 days in jail for pushing her friend off a 60-foot bridge ( via usatoday )


“ After Taylor pushed her, she did not rush down to see if Jordan was OK, she left the scene, ” Genelle Holgerson said. “ She did not show up at the hospital to check on Jordan. She did not stop by our home to see if she was OK or in any other way act like a friend. ”

“她把我女儿推下水之后,没有赶紧下去看看她有没有事,而是离开了现场,”盖内尔 · 霍格森说。“她没有去医院探望她,也没有来我们家看看她怎么样了,毫无朋友之间该有的任何关心。”

▲ Washington teenager who pushed friend off 60-foot bridge sentenced to 2 days in jail ( via nbcnews )


图 via 网络
