

华盛顿州贝灵汉市(Bellingham)的 11 岁男孩卢卡斯(Lucas Goodwin)患有自闭症以及自身免疫性疾病。他的母亲丹妮尔 · 古德温(Danielle Goodwin)向他将要入读的 Whatcom 中学说明情况后,希望老师能照顾到他的特殊情况,为他安排一个安静的座位。


图 via CNN

“Sad, stressed, embarrassed,” said Lucas Goodwin. “I was like how is this happening? How am I in the bathroom? Why?”

” 悲伤、紧张、尴尬,” 卢卡斯 · 古德温说道。” 我在想这是怎么回事?我怎么会在厕所里?这是为什么?”

The look of disgust is clear on Lucas Goodwin ’ s face in the photo his mom took when they came to school on Monday to find his new quiet learning place, in a functioning bathroom. The 11-year-old ’ s desk was over a toilet.

周一,卢卡斯 · 古德温和妈妈来到学校,发现他新的安静的学习场所被安置在了一间功能齐全的卫生间里。这名 11 岁男孩的桌子被安在了马桶上面。在他妈妈为他拍摄照片中,男孩的脸上满是厌恶。

Danielle Goodwin said the teacher also gave him a camping mat to nap on the bathroom floor.

丹妮尔 · 古德温说,老师还给了他一张露营垫,让他在厕所的地板上午睡。

“I was stunned,” said Danielle Goodwin. “I was so shocked I just took the picture because I didn ’ t believe what I was seeing.”

” 我惊呆了,” 丹妮尔 · 古德温说道。” 我太震惊了,我拍了这张照片,因为我不相信我所看到的。”

When they found the desk in the bathroom, Danielle Goodwin asked if there was another option, she said the teacher said no.

当他们在厕所里找到那张书桌时,丹妮尔 · 古德温问老师是否还有其他选择,老师的回答是没有。

▲ Special-needs student moved to bathroom at Whatcom Middle School

( via komonews.com )

图 via komonews.com


“My son was humiliated, embarrassed, and disgusted at this inhumane suggestion that he work in a bathroom,” she said.

她说:” 我的儿子感到羞辱、尴尬,对这种让他在厕所间学习的不人道建议感到厌恶。”

▲ An autistic student needed a quiet place to work. His desk was put in a bathroom stall ( via CNN )

古德温家雇佣的律师香农 · 麦克米尼米(Shannon McMinimee)说,卢卡斯此前从来没有遇到过类似的问题,他可以去图书馆或其他合适的安静的场所学习。

“I can’t believe that there was anybody that thought this was a good idea,” McMinimee told CNN. “There’s a lot of different ways you can accommodate students with disabilities without humiliating them.”

” 我不敢相信有人认为这(在厕所学习)是一个好主意,” 麦克米尼米告诉 CNN。” 有很多不同的方式可以在不羞辱残疾学生的情况下为他们提供帮助。”

▲ An autistic student needed a quiet place to work. His desk was put in a bathroom stall ( via CNN )

图 via KOMO News Photo

而贝灵汉公立学校监督人格雷格 · 贝克(Greg Baker)在回应此事件的声明中表示,这个厕所间是用作储藏室而非使用中的厕所

The idea of putting Goodwin’s son there was “an example of staff trying to seek a solution to temporarily repurpose a room,” Baker said.

贝克说,把古德温的儿子安置在那里的想法是 ” 工作人员试图暂时改变房间用途、寻找解决方案的一个例子 “。

Due to limited state funding “schools often have limited space to meet students’ instructional and social-emotional needs,” he said.

由于州政府资金有限,” 学校通常只有有限的空间来满足学生的教学和社会情感需求,” 他说道。

▲ An autistic student needed a quiet place to work. His desk was put in a bathroom stall ( via CNN )

对此,拥有 15 年处理教育法相关案件从业经验的麦克米尼米表示,学校首先应该做的是向古德温一家道歉,而她已经开始了侵权索赔。


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:CNN, komonews.com

图 / 题图:CNN, komonews.com